Silvertip Incorporated joined the U. S. Green Building Council as a member in January 2008. Over the past several years Silvertip has become not only involved in more green building projects, but more involved as well. We have completed over a dozen green building projects that have either attained or are in the act of attaing certification under the USGBC and LEED criteria. These projects account for over 15 million dollars in mechanical/plumbing systems in the past three years. Our customers include the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Geisinger Health Systems, Lock Haven University, Penn State University, Selinsgrove Area School District, and Susquehanna University.

Silvertip understands that successful green building begins at the design and submittal process, selecting low water usage fixtures, low VOC PVC primer, designing the proper building envelope using ASHRAE design conditions and continues into the building process with the protection of ductwork, method of material storage and handling, and professional installation. Finally, green building culminates in our team approach to building start-up and commissioning with the automatic temperature control contractor, testing and balancing contractor, and commissioning agent.

Silvertip’s in-house team includes a LEED accredited professional and estimation and management experienced in green building. On the design side we provide Indoor Air Management Plans and Energy Simulations. On the construction side we provide in-house ductwork fabrication with protection on both ends so foreign dust and particulates can not enter during transportation and storage. We stock low VOC primer and adhesive and MERV 8 and 13 air filters.

We understand that green building encompasses all phases and trades of construction. While versed in the mechanical applications of green building we are also familiar with the entire process including waste and recycle management, day-lighting, occupancy sensors, CO2 concentrations, material re-use, and regional materials. We are continuing to increase our selection of green products whether for use in making a small difference or a large difference; it is making the difference that counts.